The detailed tutorial on opening PDF in Paint: In this method, you will take a screenshot of the PDF file and later this screenshot can be opened or edited in Microsoft Paint.

This application is basically used to create and edit different types of images and MS Paint only supports JPEG, BMP, PNG, and GIF formats. What is MS Paint? MS Paint is probably one of the oldest applications present in Microsoft Windows since Windows 98 days, overtime period, Microsoft has brought small changes in the paint application and there have never been any major changes in the application. A Step-by-Step Guide to Open a PDF in Paint Here are the two different ways to open PDF files in MS Paint. So, in order to open the PDF file in Paint, you will have to convert it into an image. MS Paint can only open the image files and it can never directly open the PDF Files. There are plenty of reasons why would someone want to open the PDF in Paint and one of them is to annotate the PDF file using different images present in the Paint. Although Microsoft provides a built-in program to open PDF files in the latest versions of Windows 8 and 10, yet some users prefer to use older ways.